We are a specialist tax and accountancy firm for small to large businesses, providing services ranging from tax returns to company compliance and advice.
Our mission is to help our clients, big or small, accomplish their goals by providing the highest quality audit, tax, accounting, and related professional services.
We pride ourselves on providing a wide range of business and tax solutions to our customers. Our services include accounting services, business and tax planning, tax return preparation, payroll, and taxation compliance, advice, auditing and much more.
Every client's circumstances are different, and we tailor our solutions to suit your needs. We form a tight working relationship with our clients, providing a warm and friendly environment. We become part of your team….matching your business talent with our skills and support.
We have a dedicated team of fully qualified Business Advisors, Tax Agents, and Tax Accountants ready to help you maximise your business financial position. Why not contact us to see how we can help?
No matter what business you’re in, we help make your business more successful.
Our Services
Are you sick of BAS time?
Do you find your time being taken up doing the accounts for your business?
Owning your own business is liberating but it does come with lots of added responsibilities. Many business owners find their time is being taken up completing all the administrative tasks like invoicing, banking, BAS preparation, and payroll. Astute Plus helps many business owners in this situation by offering a fully comprehensive bookkeeping service. We can help take the stress out of this process and free up your time to devote to the business and your family.
Business Development
Are you a business owner who finds the business is running them rather than them running the business?
Are you sick of your business running out of cash?
We realise that minimising tax is important. However, there are many other areas with which business owners need assistance. Using our years of expertise, extensive knowledge, and personalised approach, we can help your business in a variety of different ways. We can assist the business to:
- Increase profits,
- Grow the client base,
- Improve cash flow,
- Protect personal and business assets,
- Set up systems and procedures to free up owners’ time,
- Set up systems and measuring tools to monitor performance and profits,
- Provide timely advice and remedies,
- Plan for a future business sale, develop succession plans and put plans in place for retirement.

Tax Audits & Liaison
Throughout the course of business, there are many circumstances requiring a skilled professional to liaise with taxation authorities. Income tax audits, superannuation guarantee audits, state government taxes, lodging objections to assessments, and seeking extensions of time …to name a few. Knowing that you have a skilled team of advisers to represent your affairs gives you the peace of mind to concentrate on business.
Business Structures
When starting or buying a business, there are many areas that need to be considered carefully to avoid future pitfalls. Whether you are purchasing a franchise, a new or established business, consult us to help you make the right decision. Our accountants can assist you with the best structure for your personal circumstances. The most common structures are companies, trusts, and a combination of both. We can assist you by:
- Setting up the business for short or long term tax benefits.
- Maximising asset protection and depreciation rebates.
- Ensuring the structure is flexible enough to meet your goals today and in the future.
- Advising you of your obligations as a company director, trustee or partner.
Tax Consulting
Is your business struggling to meet its tax liabilities?
Are you struggling to understand all the tax consequences and need someone who does?
With its years of experience and variety of clients of different structures and industries, Astute Plus is well placed to assist any client with their tax affairs. Whether it is negotiating with the ATO and setting in place a payment plan or structuring a business sale in the most tax effective way, Astute plus has an approach that ensures every client receives the best possible tax result.

Personal Finance
Whether you want to create wealth or maintain it, you need the right strategies that adequately reflect your desires and concerns. Getting this advice right earlier rather than later will ensure financial stability.
Taxation Planning
Our clients are able to seek accounting and taxation advice from our qualified accountants, as part of our overall service objectives. Such advice is balanced and well researched. We take the time to understand your business and help you develop a tax-effective structure and plan for both now and the future.
The importance of your super is often understated. Following recent changes in government laws, superannuation will form the core of your financial stability in retirement. We are able to advise on managing your own super and any resulting tax savings. We can help you to set up your own self managed superannuation fund and assist you to monitor its progress whilst complying with all of the taxation and regulatory requirements. This allows you to take charge of your own superannuation knowing you have the strong support of qualified professionals.
Tax Returns
Astute Plus Tax Accountants has supported individuals and businesses since 2005. Our tax professionals are professionally trained and passionate about finding the deductions and tax offsets that apply to your unique situation. We are on your side and will take full advantage of the tax incentives and laws while preparing your tax returns so that you receive the refund you deserve in the shortest amount of time possible. Australian tax rules are ever-changing and it takes a skilled professional to stay proficient in the latest laws. So, while it may seem like it is simple enough to do taxes on your own, the possibility of missing out on a refund is not worth it.
We provide small and medium businesses with reliable, professional, effective accounting services that facilitate business operations and adhere to reporting requirements. Since no two businesses are the same, Astute Plus Tax consultants strive to provide custom solutions aimed at fulfilling your company’s unique needs at a reasonable cost.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards

Visit us at our modern and professional office.
Tax Consultants :
03 95844088, 03 95802955
Office 102/210 Boundary Road, Braeside VIC 3195